It’s been a little over a month since my book, Guardian’s Nightmare, was published and I wanted to use this blog to say thank you for the support the book has received so far, especially from the local libraries, starting with the Imperial County library system led by Librarian Connie Barrington. To date, I’ve given two presentations at county libraries, one in Holtville and one in Heber, and the kids/teens at both libraries were really great to talk to about my writing experience. What I greatly appreciated is how the attendees were willing to take part in a little creating writing activity that I like to do as part of my presentations. I look forward to seeing what stories, based on our work together, the kids and teens come up with. I understand the county librarian will be taking any stories that are written by the kids and publishing them in some way. This summer I will be doing similar presentations in Brawley, Calexico and Imperial and hopefully El Centro as well.
Along with the local libraries, I would like to thank all those who have purchased the book, either in paperback or Kindle form. It is so exciting to check on Amazon and see my sales ranking change, a sign that some people out there have purchased the book. I can only hope that whether you are reading it yourself or you have purchased it for a young reader in your life that the book brings some summer reading enjoyment because after all that is my primary goal in writing.
I’d like to thank everyone who has signed up as a friend to may author Facebook page. I am definitely a novice to the use of social media, but I am striving to figure it out, in particular with the help of the Imperial Valley Small Business Development Center. Once my Facebook page is moving along, next I’ll be focusing on Twitter and perhaps even Tumblr. So stay tuned.
Next, I want to offer my thanks to Divertir Publishing for giving my little book a chance. The staff of this small press publisher worked with me for a long time to make Guardian’s Nightmare happen and I think through their hard work and mine, the book is a fun read and a great start to a three-part series.
Last, I want to thank my family, including my wife, Sandra and my sons, Daniel and Jacob, for their support. They make it possible for me to write and though I try not to let my writing invade our time together too much it inevitably does, and they are very understanding.
That’s all for now, except to say if you have not read the book yet, go on out and get yourself a copy whether on Amazon or if in the Imperial Valley at our local bookstore, Fifth Avenue Book Store in El Centro, or pick it up at any of the libraries in the Imperial Valley. Again, I am confident the younger readers in your life will have a great time reading the book. And, please, after you or your young readers finish it, let me know your thoughts about the book by contacting me though my author page or on Facebook.
Have a great summer.